Whether you have a question, want to provide feedback, or just want to say hi, we’re here for it. Feel free to call/text during business hours or send us a message here anytime! Make sure to include any details that will help us provide you with better service.
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Office Hours
Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm MST
Our Address
24 W Main Street #225
Lehi, UT 84043
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Why should I use HRmango instead of hiring my own in-house HR Manager or Recruiter?
HRmango allows you to measure all of your HR expenses in hard fixed monthly costs. It also allows you flexibility in your HR and recruiting staff as your needs change. When you are hiring your own internal HR or recruiting team you have a tremendous amount of soft or hidden costs that are associated with the position. Some of those soft costs may include:
- Workers Compensation
- Time required to interview and hire
- Training expenses
- Benefits
- Vacation Time
- 401K plans
- Turnover
- Downtime and loss of productivity
- Unemployment
How does pricing work?
- All of our services are sold separately.
- We set up an hourly rate for HR help.
- We charge monthly for each requisition we work on for you.
Our services are customizable to fit almost any budget.
What can HRmango do for my company?
If you have ever held 2 pina colada’s, one for each hand…. we are the one for you. Our services include:
- Edit and create policies and procedures
- Edit and create employee handbooks
- Workforce planning and all things Human Resources
- Create Job Descriptions
- Create clear and direct job postings
- Provide competitive salary information
- Post your job ads, and renew your job ads, on the most effective job boards and social networking sites.
- Provide applicant tracking services for resume gathering and tracking
- Provide candidate screening services
- Provide personality profiling on top candidates
- Use your logos and websites in all of your ads to help your branding and Public Relations (PR)
What do "Screening Tools" consist of?
Did we mention Gatekeeper… our free applicant tracking system? It’s pretty cool.
Who is handling my job?
We have a variety of recruiters with industry specific experience that will be assigned to work on your job.